Schools & Educational Organizations:

Many high schools and educational organizations focus on academics, tutoring, and other support services that ensure that a student performs as well as possible academically. Guidance counselors, teachers, administration staff are often overburdened with excessive caseloads of students and aren’t able to provide the personal guidance students need. Their time is restricted to scheduling and basic admissions paperwork.  Many are also burdened with the role of helping students with social and emotional issues, which, while very important, leaves them little time for more in-depth guidance about college admissions, majors, career guidance, and other crucial aspects of a student’s future.  There is also little time for other enjoyable and enriching activities like creative ventures, which are often the first to be eliminated from the budget.

We are able to visit your high school or educational organization in person or through webinars and offer workshops, training, information sessions, and curriculum for both staff and students on the similar topics for which we coach individual students, but geared specifically to schools and classrooms.  We conveniently offer a ready-made career exploration curriculum anchored around purpose development, called Head & Heart Life.   For those looking to learn a English or Spanish as a New Language, we also offer Artsy English and/or Artsy Español, unique enrichment programs designed to develop school-aged students’ life and social-emotional skills through the mediums of internationally-minded English or Spanish Language and Creative Arts activities (see below for more info).

Aside from schools, we offer our services at other venues geared toward youth development such as libraries, community education programs, nonprofit organizations, community centers, YMCA and other childcare programs, Girls & Boy Scouts, etc.  Teachers are also welcome to take advantage of our services on an individual basis.


Summary of Services:

  • Delivering content and/or training on the implementation of Artsy English and/or Artsy Español, unique enrichment programs designed to develop school-aged students’ social-emotional and life skills through the mediums of internationally-minded English or Spanish Language and Creative Arts activities (see below for more info).
  • Delivering content and/or training on the implementation of our Head & Heart Life Curriculum, a college & career exploratory and readiness curriculum anchored around purpose development (currently in development to be available Summer 2023).
  • Advising staff on helping students choose the best major, career path, college, and activities throughout their 4 years that are best for THEM and THEIR FUTURE.
  • Assisting administration with appropriate staffing and school programming to allow for integration of the aforementioned curricula (Arsty English, Artsy Español, and the Head & Heart Life Curriculum) into teachers’ and students’ schedules.

If you want your students to have a stronger sense of purpose, be more self-aware and confident, gain crucial college/career/life skills, unleash their creative side, and feel less stressed, Head & Heart International Curriculum & Consulting is for your organization!

Artsy Languages: Artsy English & Artsy Español Curricula

ARTSY ENGLISH and its Spanish counterpart, ARTSY ESPAÑOL, are unique enrichment programs designed to develop students’ social-emotional and life skills through the mediums of internationally-minded English or Spanish Language and Creative Arts activities. 

ARTSY ENGLISH & ARTSY ESPAÑOL curricula are structured and strategic, with the goal of learning, practicing, applying, and showcasing specific social-emotional & life skills that are simultaneously embedded with language learning targets.

Through our cutting-edge twin curricula, all 6 primary language skills in English or Spanish are learned- Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Vocabulary, & Grammar – and immediately applied the fun and natural way through practical and creative activities that students will authentically enjoy.  These activities can be categorized into the following:  Visual Arts, Music, Drama & Video, Life Skills, Kinesthetic Arts, and Culinary Arts.  Currently, the entire curriculum is in the process of being fully digitalized as well for a convenient alternative.  

Through Artsy English (English as a New Language) and Artsy Español (Spanish as a New Language), students will employ creative, communicative, hands-on activities in some or all of the following areas, all with a focus on developing language skills embedded with social-emotional learning targets:

  • English or Spanish through Visual Arts (current programs)
  • English or Spanish through Music (current programs)
  • English or Spanish through Drama & Video (current programs)
  • English or Spanish through Life Skills (derived from our Head & Heart Life Curriculum, current programs)
  • English or Spanish through Kinesthetic Arts (for 2023)
  • English or Spanish through Culinary Arts (for 2023)